Here is my piece in the current (Spring 2025) Parabola: The Seer & the Student. The theme of the issue is The Mystery of Time; I weave together discussions between Einstein & the brilliant mathematician Kurt Gödel with discussions from a philosophical tale between the wandering sage Narada and the teacher Krishna from the Bhagavata Purana.
From the First Peoples of Australia.
The Lazy Girl & the Butter-Yellow Pot
In between gardens & sky, at Versailles, from 2017. I lived in France before the internet…
I just joined Substack! I’ve begun by writing about a recent safari to Tanzania, but I’m planning on writing about all kinds of topics, including travel, literature, philosophy, my childhood, science, nature, wildlife…dance of course! Mythology…the artistic journey…please feel free to read/comment/subscribe…
Śiva Natārāja (Śiva, King of Dancers), 12th century
bronze and iron