New! Published Piece in Panorama, The Journal of Intelligent Travel, and Invitation to Speak at the Missouri History Museum.
I'm delighted to announce that an essay of mine about my dad, his Cadillac, and growing up Indian in St. Louis has been published in a really beautiful, new U.K. based journal entitled Panorama, the Journal of Intelligent Travel. It's entitled Dr. Premachandra's St. Louis Pilgrimage. Here's the link:
The day we had to sell my dad's beautiful 2010 Cadillac's the subject (well, one of the subjects) of my piece in Panorama, Dr. Premachandra's Pilgrimage.
I am ALSO delighted to announce that the Missouri History Museum has asked me to speak about Mohandas Gandhi and his influence on Dr. Martin Luther King for Martin Luther King Day in January 2018. Details will be forthcoming soon. Please come and join me!