New Writing! Well, Actually Kind of Old That's Once Again New...Rinku & the Silver Wings.

Hello there, and happy last month of 2018! Well I haven’t written in quite a while. On my blog that is. But I’ve been writing—a children’s book—which could also pass for a fable for adults— entitled Rinku & the Silver Wings. (There is so much dark writing out there, adults need to be reminded of the fragile-yet-robust wonder of our very incredible natural world—and, our deep interconnectedness with it.) I started it in 2011…got completely stuck, gave up on it, and then it surprised me by flying into my mind this spring…

…much as the swans fly onto the Vltava River in Prague…here is a photo from that most enchanting and dreamlike of cities from summer 2018….



Just down the street from the State Opera House…

My New Kids' Book--Rinku & the Silver Wings!

Clips of my talk Full Effort is Full Victory: Gandhi, King, and the Persistent Path of Peace at the St. Louis Ethical Society, March 2018