Shiva--a Contemporary Interpretation of an Ancient Myth for Today's Virus-Infested World...

I just wrote this poem on Shiva, one of the Hindu trinity— the wild unruly paradoxical one,. It’s a contemporary interpretation of an ancient Hindu myth, the Churning of the Ocean, in which Shiva drinks the poison in the world…



the oceans heaved. those who lived for others and those

living for themselves churned the earth’s blue blood



searching for the nectar


 of immortality hidden deep beneath the eyes

of men demons


and gods. they pulled on the serpentine rope


desperate for treasures lost in a deluge:

a tree, cow,

and goddess

who grant wishes:

Lakshmi.                              Herself.               

the goddess


of the best

and blessed

in this fractured world

where mens’ wishes matter most


(to men).


but before this,


poison. gurgling pitch

toxin surfaced.


demons; suffocating.

gods; at a loss, needing demons to churn the wavering body

of water.

will we

forever be








of fire ash rain.

a howling deity of destruction


and dance

arrived his skin opaque

as pain.


gods shuddered knowing--

their insignificance gnawing--


not one of them

could bear the venom vehemently of this world

except  this wild, primeval one.


cupping his hands            Shiva drank


viral infection. imbibing corrosion

into his enigmatic ascetic


he neutered  nano no-things                                       suspended

in the fearsome lit-up night between death


and life.


He swallowed  festering contamination—

finding it insipid                                for viruses are boring.

they possess no life

of their own

but catch                             and latch

onto the breathing

of others.


the deity of knowledge as pre-existent as birth

lapped up  nuclear unthinking contagion

smeared with fear;


gods watched.


demons watched:  will this disobedient one

who has the audacity

to            dance                    in cremation grounds




how could anyone


such putrescence

and not




eons evaporate;

oceans become septic

with plastic.


still Shiva drinks.

sea foam glitters

aquamarine turquoise.

still Shiva drinks


he knows

each sun-born waterspark

is a soul


leaving for


it is done

with the chimerical chemistry

of existence.

waves waft human souls away.

still, Shiva drinks.





finally the feral one pauses.

seeing skies clear

as his midnight blue


he thinks of ceasing



no one is left to churn


human consciousness

but men--


cupping his hands,

once more,

Shiva drinks.


















For the Earth--in Honor of Our Planet for Earth Day 2020

The Great Escape/Wild Rose